Reflections on Leadership Traits (15 Jan 2022 / Service Term) The past week was the first change in platoon-level cadet appointment holders. While I wasn't selected to be any, it got me thinking on how I would lead others when it came round to me. We also had a leadership discussion on the most desirable leadership traits that we thought SAF officers should have, and I picked "decisiveness". But I felt that there were many other traits equally desirable, and so I'd share them here. 1. Sense of Purpose We can't encourage proactive action without first having a sense of purpose. Leaders need to know the "WHY" before deciding on "WHAT" and "HOW". Simon Sinek's point: "People don't buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it" summarises this point aptly. 2. Decisiveness We're in the business of making decisions, and we must do so decisively to inspire confidence. Who'd follow a leader that goes back and forth on his actions? 3. Realistic We can't demand standards of others that aren't realistic. If we can't do it, neither should be impose it on others.