Reflections on turnout (9 Jan 2022 / Service Term) It seems like the most desirable quality to possess in a turnout is not swiftness in action, but to have a clear mind that is adaptable to all situations. The first turnout in OCS I experienced was at Tango Wing, slightly after lunch on the day of the Leadership Challenge. I remember the cadet appointment leaders having "intel" on the impeding turnout and they proceeded to prepare everyone with Full Battle Order (FBO), as most turnouts would be. We proceeded to prepare charts on how we would standardise our ForcePrep layouts, how fast we would scramble down, even to the extent that some prepared by wearing all their gear in the bunks waiting for the siren. As it turned out, we were clowns. The only things required of us to bring down was our personal weapons, a ziplock bag containing personal essentials and a water bottle. In that mass confusion (we assuming FBO, but it wasn’t), there was chaos. And hence I say the most important quality is a clear mind to accept the latest instructions and execute it with precision.